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Glass fibre mat, in connection with laminating resin, is used for the repairs of big holes in boats, yachts, camping caravans, etc. The repaired elements may be made from steel, aluminum or GRP, reinforced with glass fibre. The obtained layers have very good adherence, are durable, resistant to petrol, oils, greases, and the short period temperatures up to 70ºC.



Glass fabric are used in the production of laminates, as a resin reinforcement. Allows for a higher glass content in the laminate and better durability. Minimizes the amount of resin necessary for the production of laminates while increasing durability.


To obtain a full-fledged and adequately strong laminate, use a 2:1 weight ratio of resin to fibre glass mat or 1:1 weight ratio of resin to glass fabric.


To finish laminated surfaces we recommend to use :


epoxy fillers Sea-Line®

epoxy primers Sea-Line®

topcoats Sea-Line®

Glass fiber mat for polyester resin

Glass fiber mat for epoxy resin

Glass fabric for polyester and epoxy resin


pack g / m² code theoretical efficiency resin for 1 pack
1 m² 200 g / m² 4464 ~ 200 g
400 g / m² 4466 ~ 400 g
3 m² 200 g / m² 4465 ~ 600 g
400 g / m² 4467 ~ 1, 2 kg

Safety Information

Safety Instructions for SeaLine Rowing Fabric

Product Purpose
The SeaLine rowing fabric is primarily used for boat and yacht repairs. It is designed for repairing hulls, decks, sides, and other boat elements made of steel or laminate. Thanks to its flexibility and durability, the fiberglass mat ensures effective repair and reinforcement of damaged surfaces.

Safe Use Guidelines

Before Starting Work

Ensure the surface to be repaired is clean and dry. Remove all contaminants, grease, dust, and old remnants of repair materials.Check the expiration date of all materials and accessories that will be used in the repair process, such as resin, hardener, or adhesives.Ensure proper ventilation in the workspace, especially when using resin, which may release harmful fumes.

While Using the Fabric

Protect yourself by wearing appropriate protective gloves, goggles, and work clothes to avoid skin contact with the fabric, which may cause irritation.Work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling dust or fumes released during the repair process.Use protective masks (e.g., dust mask or respirator) when cutting, trimming, or sanding the rowing fabric to avoid inhaling fumes and dust.Use appropriate cutting tools (e.g., scissors, sharp knives) to achieve precise cuts and avoid accidental damage to the material.

After the Repair

Once the work with fiberglass fabric is completed, ensure that all waste has been properly disposed of, and the workspace is thoroughly cleaned.Apply the proper method for storing leftover repair materials, such as resin and hardeners, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.Maintenance and Storage

Material Storage

Store the fiberglass fabric in a dry, cool place, away from heat sources and moisture.The fiberglass mat should be kept in its original packaging or a tightly sealed bag to prevent damage or contamination.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Clean dirty fiberglass fabric from contaminants, preferably using a dry brush. If the fabric comes in contact with resin, use appropriate cleaning agents designed for removing resins.When handling fiberglass fabric, avoid direct contact with water as it may affect its properties.Potential Hazards

Fiberglass Fibers:

The fiberglass mat contains fine fiberglass fibers, which may cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation. Contact with the fabric may cause itching or burning sensations on the skin. Therefore, always wear appropriate protective clothing and masks.

Fiberglass Dust:

Fiberglass dust can be hazardous, so it is important to use protective masks and work in well-ventilated areas.


The use of resins and other chemicals during the repair process may pose a risk of poisoning or skin irritation. Exercise caution when working with these substances and use the appropriate personal protective equipment.Additional TipsFor large repairs, it is recommended to consult a professional who can properly carry out the repair and assess the technical condition of the damaged surface.Regularly check the condition of the fabric and other materials used in the repair process to ensure they have not lost their useful properties.Contact in Case of Issues

If you notice any manufacturing defects in the fabric or encounter issues during the repair, contact the manufacturer or point of sale. Do not modify the material in ways that may affect its functional properties.

Manufacturer details

Troton Sp. z o. o
Ząbrowo 14A
78-120 Ząbrowo

+48 668 649 461

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