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C2 CONCENTRATE CLEANER very powerful water soluble and biodegradable cleaner for quick and efficient removal of oil, grease, scale, soot, nicotine etc. Great as a professional cleaner for fenders, tarpaulins, poles and aluminum ship components and for the removal of hydraulic oil .


Thin with water. For normal dirt add 1 part of C2 on 10 parts of water. For heavy dirt add 1 part C2 on 5 parts of water. Can be diluted with hot and cold water. Use cloth or soft brush. After treatment, always rinse with plenty of water.

Safety Information

Safety of Use:

Storage: Store the product in a place out of reach of children and animals. The product should be kept in its original packaging in a dry, cool place, away from heat sources and flames.

Application: Use the product only for cleaning surfaces for which it is intended, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Using the product for other purposes may result in undesirable chemical reactions or damage to the material.

Avoid contact with skin and eyes: Before use, familiarize yourself with the recommendations regarding personal protection. It is recommended to wear protective gloves and safety goggles when handling the product.

Ventilation: Use the cleaning product in well-ventilated areas. Avoid inhaling fumes.

In case of contact with skin or eyes: In case of contact with skin or eyes, immediately rinse the affected area with plenty of water. If necessary, consult a doctor.

Do not mix with other chemicals: Avoid mixing the cleaning product with other chemical products unless the manufacturer explicitly permits such combinations.

Responsibility: All instructions provided on the product sheet and the product label must be followed to ensure safe use.

Manufacturer details

Troton Sp. z o. o
Ząbrowo 14A
78-120 Ząbrowo

+48 668 649 461

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