• Zhik T4 Trapeze Harness

The Symbol : 810117474232


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Designed for minimalism and simplicity the T4 trapeze harness uses a nappy seat design with a stretch crotch panel that naturally conforms to your body. Lined with durable yet lightweight materials, the T4 harness is built to withstand bumps, abrasions, and the stress of high performance trapezing.

With 5-points for harness bar fitting and positioning, this trapeze harness allows for quick and easy bar positioning. Internally integrated lumbar support enhances the trapezing movement and supports the lower back allowing you to sail at the top of your game for longer. All the heavy-duty adjustment hardware is discreetly covered and stowed with additional streamlined covers to avoid snagging when maneuvering on the boat. The high stretch neoprene crotch panelling construction and design ensures a versatile and comfortable fit during movement and high loads. Comfort is increased with padding around the leg openings to reduce irritation and point loading.

For sailors that are looking for more adaptability and customisation, the harnesses multiple mounting traps allows other harness bars to be utilized if required.




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